Book 8 Chapter 24: Decision

    “Ah Zhan, like I said, Tian Yi has never let anyone down except for you.” Uncle Bao’s voice was filled with pain. “But believe me when I say, he also didn’t want to do this. He had tried many ways to resolve this problem, some exceedingly painful. However, he still couldn’t rid himself of those evil auras. Even now, he continues to try, all just to give you a glimmer of hope. He currently has a ticking bomb in his body. If he becomes a demon, many innocent people will be harmed. He spent his life wanting to help others, so how could he bear it if he himself ended up hurting them?”

    “Enough, Uncle Bao.” Ruan Zhan gripped Xiao Xia’s hand tightly. “I understand, and I also don’t blame him despite not agreeing with his methods. Perhaps I’m being too selfish and petty, but I really just wanted to make the person I love happy. But regardless of why I was born, I’m ultimately still his flesh and blood. Therefore…I do love him, so I am willing to do everything for him. It’s just…” He turned his head. “Xiao Xia, I’m sorry.”

    “Why are you apologizing to me? I support you, and I’ll guard that little life of yours. You are mine. I’m just lending you to Uncle Ruan for a bit.” She spoke lightly, but Ruan Zhan knew she was very nervous and flustered. She was just trying to put him at ease.

    How lucky he was to have met such a woman!

    “Let’s first figure out what to do. We can be lovey-dovey after we help uncle and get back.” Wan Li, who had been silent until know, said, “Don’t you always strive for the best outcome despite unfavorable circumstances? Moreover, we should be optimistic. The outcome has not been decided yet.”

    “That’s true.” Bao Da Tong hurriedly added. “But old man, what do you think uncles chances of…survival are?”

    “Are you an idiot, Da Tong?” Uncle Bao spoke deliberately. “In theory, your Uncle Ruan has already passed away. What we’re doing now is trying to save his soul. We just need to figure out how to free him while also keeping Ah Zhan alive. He knew there was no turning back the moment he embarked on this path. But I’m sure he’d rather pay any price than turn evil. As his only flesh and blood, Ah Zhan is the one he most wants to protect, and also the one he feels most indebted to.” Everyone fell silent. It turns out everything had already been decided. The miracle they needed to create was merely to minimize losses.

    “By the time I was in high school, my father was already unable to keep the absorbed evil auras under control, right?” Ruan Zhan asked in a muffled voice.

    Uncle Bao nodded, “At that time, it was already about to erupt. He was afraid of harming others, especially you, and could only fake his death. That coffin was specially made, and could keep him preserved in a state where he didn’t need to eat or breathe. He was using that sort of method to endure until the day of your Calamity of Threes.”

    “Then why did you carve glyphs on his body? And what uses does the crystal dagger have?”

    “Ah Zhan, the vision you saw back then was red, right? That’s because he had lost control of himself and started demonizing. To temporarily suppress the evil aura, I had to use bloodspells. But the evil within him was too powerful, so I could only use his own body as the talisman.” Uncle Bao said slowly. “Si Ma Nan inadvertently harmed Tian Yi, but also left quite a few rare treasures behind. The three treasures you inherited from Tian Yi were also collected by Si Ma Nan. That crystal dagger as well. Afraid you would notice the spirit power on the dagger as a child, Tian Yi had me keep it. After he faked his death, he told me to put it inside the coffin with him, so it would be easier for your to find it in the future. You haven’t noticed what the dagger can do yet?”

    Ruan Zhan was yet to speak when Xiao Xia raised his palm, pointing to the wound there. “This was made by that crystal dagger. Although it’s stopped bleeding, it just doesn’t heal.”

    “That is precisely its function.” Uncle Bao said. “Crystal is inherently Yin aligned, and pure crystal becomes invisible when placed in water. The material of this dagger is even more so. Without a contrasting object, it is invisible when held in the air. It has also been refined with supreme magic, and possesses extraordinary power. The wounds caused by this dagger will never heal. If a soul is struck with it, the extreme Yin will counter the natural Yin and cause it to irreparably shatter. It is the nemesis of spirit bodies, just like how the bloodwood sword uses evil to suppress evil. It’s just that this is sharper and tougher.”

    “You mean that we should use this dagger to destroy uncle’s soul, making him unable to reform again, while dispersing the evil aura at the same time?” Bao Da Tong blurted out. He phrased it as a question, but everyone understood and no one wanted to here the answer.

    This is too cruel! Having a son for the sake of dealing with oneself. Finding a treasure for the sake of killing oneself! How did the elder reconcile all of this over the many years? What kind of suffering had he been bearing by himself?

    “We must use this dagger, but we can also think of a better solution.” Uncle Bao comforted the shocked children with a sentence.

    “Do you have a good solution?” Wan Li had always been the most rational one, and thus raised the key question.

    Unexpectedly, Uncle Bao shook his head. “We’ve thought of everything but nothing that would work. That’s why I said we need a miracle. The reason I broke my promise to tell you this is that I want everyone to come up with a solution together. There are still half a month left until that day. Hopefully it’s not too late!”

    “Old man, how does Uncle Ruan’s strength compare to yours?” Bao Da Tong asked.

    “He is a prodigy in Daoist arts, and put in a lot of effort when he was young. Therefore, his powers are greater than mine by a large level.” Uncle Bao sighed again, “Moreover, that evil aura will also enhance his power. The moment he demonizes, he will definitely become incomparably strong. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have needed to choose the day where he is at his weakest and Ah Zhan is at his strongest. It’s a once-in-a-century opportunity.” He looked at Ruan Zhan as he spoke. “Ah Zhan, you must remember that demonizing is the last thing he wants. I know it’ll be very difficult for you. But you mustn’t…you mustn’t hesitate at the critical moment. Otherwise, it would only harm him! And harm yourself! The greatest cruelty to him would be if he had a moment of clarity and realized his outcome! Do you understand?”

    Looking at Uncle Bao’s sorrowful eyes, Ruan Zhan wanted to say something, but his agreement caught in his throat.

    “Old man, then you should give me some special training.” Bao Da Tong changed the subject. “Didn’t you let me leave the mountain for the sake of helping Ah Zhan? Then let me do my best. There’s still half a month. I want to make my Daoist arts as strong as possible!”

    Uncle Bao looked at his son, feeling both reluctant and proud in his heart. This child was innately lively and loved playing around. He had been forced to learn all his skills. His occasional bouts of initiative were also for the sake of amusement or to show off. Yet he was unexpectedly so sensible and resolute when the right thing had to be done. Tian Yi had let Ah Zhan down, but had he himself not also let Da Tong down? Neither of the two elders were good fathers! Looking at his son’s earnest and genuine expression now, he suddenly felt very fortunate. At least he had the chance to make amends. Once this matter was settled, he was determined to be a kind father. As for Tian Yi? He didn’t have that opportunity! Was did the heavens not leave a path for someone so good?!

    “Special training? Are you sure you’re not going to complain incessantly again?” Uncle Bao smiled. Da Tong may not have innate abilities, but with such a heart, he would still grow into an outstanding Daoist disciple, and could still exorcise evil!

    “Well…some complaining is inevitable.” Bao Da Tong scratched his head. “But you can push me a little, I think I can take it.”

    “What do I need to do?” Wan Li asked. He didn’t have powers or Daoist arts. His newly learned flaming handprint was completely useless. However, he knew he had a unique physique that could still be used as a prop.

    “It depends on the final arrangements.” Uncle Bao looked at the silent Ruan Zhan. “This time, we’ll follow Ah Zhan’s orders. I also haven’t been wasting time all these years. I’ve collected some signature talismans from reclusive Daoists. I think they should at least increase our chances of winning. For now, let’s all leave and give Ah Zhan some time alone.”

    Everyone else went outside as he spoke, including Xiao Xia. She knew there wasn’t much use in comforting someone after a mental blow. A quiet environment to calm the mind and body was the best way.

    She hated Ruan Zhan’s father because he hurt the person she loved. He injured his heart as a child, and was now going to hurt him physically as an adult. He might even take his life. She had thought the elder was extremely selfish, but after Uncle Bao’s story she could no longer decide whether he was selfish or noble. The current situation hadn’t been his intention. He had initially been trying to save his own master, and then wanted to help those who were suffering. Finally, he wanted to end himself without anyone knowing, taking the evil with him, but realized it was no longer possible!

    He never asked for anything in repayment, and never wanted to involve others. Yet in the end, he ended up hurting the one closest to him. The bond between father and son, the intimacy between husband and wife. She had reason to blame Father Ruan for Ruan Zhan’s situation. But from an outsider’s perspective, she could sympathize with the elder and wanted to help him. In her opinion, what the elder feared wasn’t demonizing, but rather the harm he would cause as a demon, including to those closest to him.

    She could vaguely feel that the elder loved Ruan Zhan. The reason he treated him coldly was because he knew one day, the two of them would fight as enemies to the death. He was probably afraid Ruan Zhan wouldn’t be able to do it if he cared for him, right?! If the point came when the elder was about to demonize, having lost all reason, he would definitely show no mercy to Ruan Zhan. The one in trouble would be Ruan Zhan if he couldn’t act despite knowing everything!

    Thinking of this, her heart ached again. Ruan Zhan was so pitiful. He was born to such a heavy burden. How could he bear it? How was he to decide? He had never received a hint of warmth growing up, but now he had to pay the price for everything! She really wished she could suffer in his place, but she couldn’t! All she could do was act as his guardian angel, keeping him safe and sound. If the worst truly happened, she would either bring him back or continue loving a ghost. She would definitely not let him go. Ever! He was the love she finally managed to seize!

    These thoughts instead allowed her to face things calmly. Bao Da Tong noticed her actions, and was very impressed. He expected most women to be in hysterics at such a time, begging the man not to leave, or perhaps wandering around in helpless shock. Unexpectedly, Xiao Xia acted completely fine, even humming a song as she prepared lunch for him.

    “You’re so weird. Why aren’t you stopping him?” He asked curiously.

    He had been tormented by the special training for two days already. He didn’t know what Ruan Zhan’s old man would look like as a demon, but his own dad was already one. In the past, he constantly complained that his dad forced him to learn Daoist arts. Yet those days were heaven in comparison. His dad didn’t really force him in the past. He had truly been like a shepherd, letting the sheep do as they pleased!

    No he had no free time at all. Even during the pitiful four hours of sleep he got, he was forced to cultivate his spirit power in his dreams. This meant he wasn’t allowed to sleep lying down, preventing him from relieving his physical exhaustion. During the day, he practiced techniques until his limbs were limp. Sparring with his father left him battered and bruised. He was only allowed one light meal a day, which were also the only fifteen minutes of rest he got. Therefore, despite Xiao Xia’s extremely mediocre cooking skills, this was the happiest part of his day. After all, he could eat, drink, rest a while and chat.

    “If I stopped him, it would only make things difficult for him. Since I love him, why would I make it harder on him? Even if he was willing to do it for me, he would be unahppy for the rest of his life. Why would I want an unhappy man by my side? Live a life of bickering with him?” Xiao Xia handed over Bao Da Tong’s meal, looking at his face which had gotten much thinner over the past few days. “I support him. Once he returns, he will remember how understanding I was over this matter for the rest of his life. It’ll make him love me even more. The better choice is obvious.”

    “Well said! Smart! Great choice!” Bao Da Tong praised and took a bite. He was clearly starving, eating even this kind of food with relish. “I’m going to have to poach from Ah Zhan when we get back from Ironhead Mountain. How could I have missed a pearl like you before?”

    “Hmph, whatever!” Despite knowing he was joking, Xiao Xia couldn’t help but retort. “Didn’t you say while quality in a woman is essential, quantity can also not be lacking. There’s no way I’m going to help boost your numbers!”  She ran off to open the door for Wan Li after speaking.

    Recently, the Nocturnal Revenant had completely closed for business. The Bao father and son had to come and go several times a day, and also needed space for their training. Luckily, their combat training was done late at night in a deserted area. Otherwise, the place would have been torn down. Ruan Zhan just sat quietly every day. It wasn’t clear what he was doing or thinking. Xiao Xia didn’t bother him and the two didn’t have any time alone together. She didn’t mind it. She was planning on living the rest of her life with him, so a few days wouldn’t make a difference. However, she now understood the meaning of longing, and what it meant to be so close yet so far away. The feeling of being unable to approach something within eyesight was very unbearable. Even Wan Li had no free time. He was busy arranging matters at the clinic. Today, he finally finished everything and planned to learn some spells from Uncle Bao. As he said, last minute preparations still count for something! A little more strength meant a higher chance of keeping Ruan Zhan alive.

    In comparison, Xiao Xia had the most free time. Therefore, despite looking steady on the surface, seemingly ready to meet destiny calmly, she was the only one who had nothing to do. Therefore, she clearly felt the passage of time as the day appraoched.

    Finally, the day came. The five of them arrived at Jingshi Town a day early and checked into the hotel wear the God of Gamblers He Fu Gui had died unexpectedly.

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