Princess Capture Plan

Chapter 71

The snow in the western pavilion was very easy to handle. Everything was cleared after around two hours of busy labor. The courtyard floor glistened with moisture after the snow was cleared. The snow was piled under various trees to water them. Su Yan reported to the western pavilion’s palace maids before taking her group […]

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Chapter 70

Just based on the phrase “plans failed”, Ding Xiang could tell that madam’s actions last night weren’t due to drunkenness. She could only sigh about madam’s farsightedness, while thinking how the result was actually by design and not by chance. What made her happiest of all was that his highness had actually tacitly approved madam’s […]

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Chapter 68

Translator’s note: Sponsored chapter 2/2 for the week. Please thank Marchmallow and Tweedledeestwin for once again sponsoring a chapter. Sorry for the slightly later post this time, I was out for the day. Regular chapter will follow shortly since I think they go quite well together. Don’t read too fast :) ******** Die’er glanced at […]

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Chapter 64

Translator’s notes: First sponsored chapter of the week. Thank you Tweedledeestwin for your generous donation once again and sponsoring the chapter! Regular chapter will be out shortly. ****** Sure enough, after that day Xiao Hua confined herself to reflect upon her actions. Since it was winter and Xiao Hua never went anywhere to begin with, […]

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Chapter 63

Translator’s notes: Thank you Geri for your support once again. Hope you all enjoy this chapter as much as I did. ***** At the Changchun Pavilion. The spacious courtyard and the walkways of the main residence were decorated with colored lights, making the scene appear bright and splendid. The snowy weather outside made one’s breath […]

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