Princess Capture Plan
I’m trying to improve my Chinese and my girlfriend wants to improve her English. Translating Chinese webnovels seems like a good way to do both at once. The translating and website building is all done by me, with occasional consulting by my girlfriend. Since it’s my first time doing either, please bear with me as I iron out the wrinkles, and feel free to give suggestions for improvements. Your support is always appreciated, whether it’s via views, comments or something more…tangible…
In all seriousness, I release regular chapters so please don’t feel obligated to donate, especially if the sponsored chapter bar is already filled. Consider supporting the author via the raws instead. Or if you insist, I’ll gratefully accept, and put it towards my long distance relationship airfare savings. Or small gifts for sister savings. She’s also reading along and helps you guys pressure me for more chapters. Endgame is to convince my girlfriend to live with me in the US.
Welcome to my princess capture plan.
PCP Translations
Improving my Chinese through translating Webnovels!
Welcome to our journey